UWEC MaP Lab, Fall 2013

UWEC MaP Lab, Spring 2014

Undergraduate Research Lab

MaP Lab: Mating and Prejudice Lab

A large component of my work involves engaging undergraduates in the research process through faculty-student collaborative research. Since Fall 2012, I have collaborated (one-on-one or in teams) with dozens of undergraduate research apprentices. My undergraduate research apprentices are not the research “assistants” who merely run participants or enter data, but I instead take them under my wing as research collaborators and involve and train them in every step of the research process.  They dive right into the research process and I expect them to carry out each step of the research process—from designing the study, preparing the codebook, and submitting IRB materials to programming the study, analyzing the data, and preparing first drafts of the manuscript.

Angela G. Pirlott

Social Psychologist

​Saint Xavier University

Some photos of my current and former RAs presenting at conferences

UWEC MaP Lab, Spring 2013